We will be going to Malaysia for a week in a few days time. Now, I’m thinking whether or not I will be bringing my girl’s homeschool materials with us. I admit that we haven’t been really regular with our homeschool for many weeks now. There just seems to be a lot of disruption and I find it difficult to build a routine with these changes. First was the flood in November, then visitors from the Philippines came, then our trip to Vietnam and now we’re going to Malaysia.
Our li’l girl is one person who needs to have a conducive place and time to study. A little bit of distraction and then her concentration breaks. Yes, she’s very interested to study but she’s also very playful.
So, to bring or not to bring our materials, that is the question. Hmmm.. Maybe I’ll just bring them with us. Who knows there will be some quiet days there in when we can have time to do a little bit of homeschool or our girl can just read her Readers.