One friday a month, we cancel experiment days and my girl and I go for a girl’s day out. So last Friday was our so-called girl’s day out and we both had a blast.
There are actually no ‘lessons’ involved during our girl’s day out though sometimes we bring along a writing activity or two but it’s just a time for us to bond. Last Friday, we went to B’s Sweet for a snack. She had choco shake and the Lava cake while I had Walnut Brownies and Cappucino shake. We chit chatted and she also did some sketching. So, I also had some relaxing time reading the newspaper and doing some planning. Afterwhich, we went window shopping at Central and she played with the Lego’s there too.
Walnut Brownie
My happy girl
Oh, how I love our girl’s day outs.. my daughter and I can’t just bond together but it’s also an opportunity for me to have a short break from our routines and therefore unwind a bit.