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26 Apr

My Mom gave us a Jollibee DVD ( Learning with Jollibee) a few years back. But it was only late last year that we were able to let our kids watch again. Well, my boy immediately fell in love with Jollibee and has been talking about it. Then, early this year, my mom and sis gave him a Jollibee toy and he really liked it. Now, we’re thinking of celebrating his birthday (post birthday celebration) in the Philippines so, he can finally get the chance to ‘meet’ Jollibee. I wonder why Jollibee can just attract children of any age. I’m sure all those who got Jollibee franchises... 

25 Apr

The other weekend, Hubby and I had a chance to go to the weekend market by ourselves ( minus the kids). It was our weekend date and we decided to do window shopping after dinner. We haven’t visited that place for quite a long time since it’s usually crowded and kids get restless when we’re there. So, when we went there we ended buying some stuff. Clothes are very cheap there since they’re second hand but in very good condition. We tried to buy something for Hubby like coogi clothing but couldn’t find any. We ended up buying clothes for the kids instead. We loved what... 

10 Apr

Our friends gave us a set of Ikea’s Pyssla beads. It’s our first time to see these craft materials and so we got excited to try it out with our kids. My almost 7 year old girl loved it while my 3 years old boy enjoyed letting the beads rain down on us. Our girl’s bear When I saw the package, it is actually recommended to children from 4 years old above. I guess that explains my 3 year old was uninterested to put the beads on the bead shape. We then made this Hama beads as a craft for our kids for the Summer Workshop. Oh, everyone really enjoyed it and there were a few kids... 

10 Apr

Our daughter is only 7 years old ( this coming May) now and we plan to homeschool her until the end of her primary years. We do have a plan for her secondary education but this is not definite yet. If it doesn’t realize then maybe we’ll have to continue to homeschool her until the end. As for higher education, there will be far more choices like getting her in an online university or let her study in Malaysia, Philippines or any other country. But I’m just praying that Plan A would realize for our girl’s secondary education. I’ve heard a lot of good things about... 

10 Apr

One of the books our girl received last week from our friends is the 300 Science and History Projects Book. Oh, she immediately devoured the book and dog eared the pages of the projects that she wanted to do. As with any experiments or projects, she would need my assistance and supervision. The reason for this is to prevent major messes and clean ups during and after the projects. But admittedly, I’m quite ‘lazy’ when it comes to experiments, err.. preparation and clean ups. But I’m happy that my girl has the interest in the sciences, I won’t be surprised if she would...