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17 Jul

My girl wanted to be an archelologist once and just recently she found out about the job of a Paleontologist and she wanted to be one too. Oh, I couldn’t count anymore how many ‘careers’ she wants to tackle in the future because it does seem that once she finds a profession that appeals to her, she just adds it up to her list without giving up the others. Funny huh? One thing she doesn’t want though is to become a Doctor, she would rather be a nurse she said. Oh, there’s a story behind why she wanted to become a nurse. But, I wonder if wants to be an engineer too if she finds out about electrical engineering careers .

Anyways, I’m just amused with my daughter’s many ambitions. But I’m sure as she grows older, she will be able to find out more about her interests and strengths . From here, she will be able to choose her future career. I hope.. :)

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