I love Chrome’s Zoodles. It’s indeed a safe, educational ‘playground’ for the kids. So every weekend I let my kids explore the virtual ‘playground’ for an hour.
Here are some of the features that I love from Zoodle.
* It age appropriate. You can create an account for each of your child and they can surely play educational games that are appropriate for their age.
* The games are not simply games but it promotes a certain subject or certain skill.
* No Ads or unnecesary chatting
* It’s safe and you can be assured that your child won’t accidentally visit inappropriate sites.
* You can set a time limit. As for me I set an hour for my boy and 2 hours for my daughter.
* They just don’t have games, but books and Art programs as well.
And by the way, if you have a smartphone or ipad, you can also download this program as well.