I love the internet technology, I believe that it’s really a great supplement to my kids’ learning experience. But somehow, the internet has this kind of ‘lure’ that if not controlled properly, it can also be a danger to the kids. I really believe that we should not leave the kids alone using the internet even if they’re just playing games. As a precaution, I installed Zoodles in my Chrome so, that my kids can only visit sites and games that’s right for their age. Most of the games in Zoodles are also educational so I know that they’re not just playing games but they’re also learning at the same time.
We should also set a certain period of time for the kids to be in front of the computer. As for my daughter, I only let her play her own games and check her emails every Saturday and Sunday for about an hour or two. The rest of the days, both of us use the computer since her science and history books are internet-linked. I plan to do parental control in my kids’ internet activities even as they grow up, I’m afraid they might accidentally go to sites that’s not approriate for them yet like free online dating sites or other those other stuff? Am I being such a paranoid mom or what? LOL!