Homeschooling two kids at the same time has been fun yet challenging at the same time. Challenging since I have to know how to balance my time between homeschooling, household chores and my online work. Sometimes, I think of joining a lot of affiliate programs for me to earn extra income online, but then, I can’t really commit since my time has been quite limited these days. After the summer, I will really try my best to concentrate in homeschooling my kids so, therefore I have to let go of a few of my online activities.
Here I am, still awake at 1:28 am. I know that I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow -errr, today .. since it’ I’ts a Monday. But, I’m taking this time to just relax, listen to the music with my headphones though sadly they’re not Sennheiser headphones . I’m just in the mood for alternative music tonight in it’s loudest volume but only for my ears since everyone is already asleep. Simply put, I’m sure in the mood for music at this time… I’ll sleep in awhile once I’m done with my music ‘therapy’… I still have to homeschool...
I admit, we’ve been lagging behind the ‘arts and crafts department’. I haven’t really made a conscious effort to schedule a variety of these activities for my kids. Our ‘art time’ actually just consist of freestyle drawing and coloring/painting for my daughter and scribbling for my son. After browsing through a number of sites today, I’m reminded and motivated to include a variety of artwork and crafts for my kids. So, for a start, we will make finger painting with the use of this home made finger paint; 3 tbs sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup cornstarch 2 cups...
I’m so excited that my son can read some words now! We’re already on day 20 on our book , Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, and he’s picking up quite fast. I could still remember the first time introducing this book to him a few months back and he wasn’t ready by then and ended up crying. I just got to re-introduce it to him last month and I was amused that he’s more ready now. He’s also looking forward after our lessons, because I let him do some phonics activities in the computer at
We are declaring this day as our Fun Day for the kids! We asked them to take the lead and choose wherever they want to go and we will go there. Of course our kids were excited because this ‘opportunity’ to take the lead rarely happens. So, our kids chose to go to the Planetarium and the Ice Dome. So, Planetarium and Ice Dome it is! I can’t wait to go to the Ice Dome too, since it has been a very hot almost summer afternoon and it’ll be nice to go somewhere very cold. And speaking of summer, it’s about time to take out the sunbrella umbrellas at ...