I’ve read about Charlotte Mason being mentioned in a lot of homeschool forums and blogs. I really thought it’s another great curriculum and since I’m just so contented with using Sonlight, I really didn’t bother researching more about her and her writings.
But thanks to my fellow homeschooler Mom who gave me a copy of the Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. Now, I realized that indeed I missed out a lot of things during our 2 years of homeschooling. Since I was a reluctant homeschooler, I somehow just went on with the flow without me really having some kind of homeschool ‘goals’ or ‘philosophy’. I know, that’s too bad.. but as I’ve said, I just trusted my set curriculum to do it’s job without a lot of effort on my part.
And now after reading through the first few chapters of the book, I believe I’ve changed; my view about education, about homeschooling and now I somehow want to follow C.M. philosophy. It’s amazing that even just reading the first few chapters, I’ve immediately put into practice a few of Charlotte Mason’s principle for home education.
I’m glad that I’m actually using Sonlight, it doesn’t need major changes curriculum wise, but I am the one who needs to change; my views, my habits and principles. And even if the book I’m reading is just some sort of a reflection or ‘companion’ to Charlotte Mason’s original writings, but I would say that I’m a new fan of hers and surely be reading more of her original writings.