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30 Jun

Funny how my daughter loves homeschool so much, she actually requested to do homeschool on a Saturday. Yes, it’s Saturday today and we did homeschool…

I was actually looking forward for a quiet and peaceful Saturday reading the Charlotte Mason Companion especially my 4 year old is out in the village with Hubby.. but then my daughter pleaded. She wanted to finish our History lapbook with me. I thought that it’s also a good time to spend time together and discuss history while doing all the cutting and pasting. Yeah, it’s like hitting 2 birds with one stone. That’s better her watching all the cartoons. And yeah, it’s supposed to be Saturday and their only day to watch cartoons but I guess they all forgot about cartoons already and that’s a good thing.

I will post a photo of our lapbook soon.. my camera hasn’t been working for awhile..


One Response to “Homeschool on a Saturday”

  1. Everything And Everywhere
    2:35 am on July 2nd, 2012

    It has been awhile nga wla ko ka visit sa imong mga blogs love kay nadaot ang computer, so karon duna nako bag o computer so maka update napud ko sa imong blogs. Kumusta?

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