Today my kids and Hubby went on a nature walk at the lake in the University. Since it was still 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the sun was so hot and the walk around the lake is very long, I decided to sit back on the bench and watch them. It took them around 45 minutes to walk around the perimeter of the lake while I busied myself taking photos. When they arrived, they all came with excitement as they showed the wild flowers and other stuff that they picked. It seemed they also climbed a tree and saw a snake! When we came back home, they immediately pasted their ‘find’ on their...
My son and I went on a day out the other week and I really enjoyed that time to bond. I usually have a day out with my daughter ( once a month) while my son stays home with Hubby. But it’s only now that I realized that my son has grown up and he’s ready to go on a day out with me. Oh, he really loves it! Imagine, having my 100% attention the whole afternoon. He was so excited and was even jumping up and down the escalator, telling me how happy he is! Here is a photo of him in front of a giant bag. He was the one who asked me to take a photo in front of the bag so he can show to his...
I made this cake for our church anniversary a few weeks ago. I first saw a cake like this at Pinterest and I loved it. I thought it was very difficult to do. But when I checked the tutorial in Youtube, it was quite easy. As you can see, my flowers were not the same sizes, but it still looks okay. There were even some portions in which there was a gap between the flowers but I just covered them with the little ones. But next time, I will have to give it a more uniformed look. I’m sure it’ll look prettier and neater. My entry for YUMMY Sunday.
I’ve already printed out our daily schedule, the list of memory verses for the year, the list of readings and etc. Yes, we’re almost set for homeschool! I just need to print a few more things and finish putting the plastic covers on the books, set the materials needed for science experiments and we’re ready to go. I really want to prepare everything before hand for this homeschool year. As for the past 2 years, I’ve been a little bit complacent and ended up missing on a few science experiments because I wasn’t much prepared. Now, I’ve ‘pledged’ to...
One of the most awaited day of the year is our Box Day! A few days ago, we opened our homeschool box and as always we were overwhelmed with the great materials that we have. Oh, I can’t praise God enough for providing our homeschool needs! So, here’s a peek of my daughter’s Sonlight Core C books .. she will be using Readers 4-5 since she’s quite advance on her reading. When I let her take the assessment test, I can’t believe that her reading level is Grade 6! But as I consulted with the curriculum advisor, she recommended her to have the Grade 4-5 readers since a themes...