For school age children, the thought of the house as the school, a place to sleep, a place to eat and to live might be a nightmare. Others might find it boring and uninteresting. But for my kids, it’s their haven. Of course, they feel ecstatic when its time to go outdoors but one can never find them bored inside the house. What do they do when their not homeschooling? They read, draw, write, play, build, imagine, pretend to be knights and princesses, tell stories and of course mess up the house! LOL! A few nights ago, this is what they came up with: I forgot what they were supposed to be,...
I’m fully contented with homeschooling my kids. Though there are times I wish that I have more free time and time for myself but I find the the advantages of homeschool is just tremendous and I’m willing to sacrifice my needs. I don’t have any problem with ‘socialization’ as what most people think is lacking with homeschooling since I think my kids are very good with this. They know how to relate well with kids and grown-ups too! If there is just one thing that I wish my kids will have more is the exposure to perform in front of the public. I’m not sure if...
At first, I thought that read alouds are only good for those children who don’t know how to read yet. However, as I continue to do read-alouds for my 8 year old , who has actually read all her ‘read aloud books’ by herself, I realized that it’s still benefits her. 1) It helps the child to learn the right pronunciation. A few times, during our read alouds, she would be laughing to herself and say, ‘Oh, that’s how you pronounce it. I thought it’s … ‘ 2) It creates a closer bond between mother and child. Our read-aloud time is our special time...
Ever since we cut off our cable TV, our kids rarely watch TV now ( since every channel is in Thai!). So, we made Fridays as our movie nights. At times they are made to choose the cartoons they want to watch. I actually like this set-up better since we will surely know what they’re watching in TV. I’m sure everyone is aware that sometimes the characters in the cartoon channels use language that are not so desirable to hear out from a child’s mouth. To make our movie nights special, at times we borrow an LCD projector, get a monitor stand and prepare some snacks. Oh, kids...
The 24 hour sale is back from Book Depository and it’s happening RIGHT NOW! I think this is the 7th Deal of the Hour and there will be more deals coming. I’ve been checking the hourly deals but so far I haven’t seen anything that interest me. I’m actually looking forward for children’s books, recipe book and other DIY or self-help books. But after having a Kindle, I’m not as excited over Book Depository’s book sale anymore. I think it’s because I still have several books in my Kindle that are waiting to be read. But if and only IF there’s...