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29 Jan

I mentioned in my post yesterday about teaching my li’l girl the Philippine National Anthem. I first search for the lyrics from Wikipedia so, I could print it out for my girl to see. Oh, of course I still remember our national anthem, but I just want to make sure of the spelling of some words. Then, I let her listen to the beat from the audio file in the Wikipedia. It was only then I remembered of searching for videos from Youtube. I remember when I was still younger that before the last full show, a video of the Philippine national anthem will be shown and in which everyone is required... 

27 Jan

I’m now teaching our li’l girl the Philippine National Anthem. Since we are a cross cultural family in a cross cultural setting, I need to slowly let her learn a few things from my country (Philippines), my Hubby’s country ( Malaysia) and our resident country ( Thailand). So, with any biases, I’m letting her learn my national anthem first. I know it won’t be an easy task for her since our National Anthem will be in Filipino, a language which she hasn’t learn yet. So, my plan is to let her memorize 2 stanzas per session. I hope this will work and she will be... 

24 Jan

I was doing the Book of Time with my 6 year old daughter today. The Book of Time is actually just a Timeline in which we stick all the images of different events, people and places on each specific year or period. Doing this, the kids will somehow have a visual picture of the ‘entire’ history which I believe allows them to relate each character or events better and remembers them more easily. We were actually not very up-to-date with our Book of Time. We were supposed to stick each character or event as we read them in my daughter’s History books, but then I find it quite disruptive...