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22 Feb

Have I mentioned before that our homeschool materials were actually donated by someone? Yes, we have an anonymous donor who supported us to buy our homeschool materials for a few years. Oh, I remember being in tears as I heard about this the first time. You see, for years we were sort of ‘confused’ on how to ‘educate’ our kids. International schools were too costly, local schools were in Thai and homeschool needs a lot of commitment and discipline. Our only option was homeschool and of all the programs available, I was most attracted to one of the expensive curriculum.... 

15 Feb

Yesterday was Valentines day. Our li’l gil made cards for me, my Hubby and her li’l brother. We then went out for Valentines dinner with our friends. It was really a good decision that me and Hubby had a pre Valentines date on the 13th. You see, we had visitors on the 14th so, there wasn’t any way we could go on a date. Going on a date with Hubby somehow refreshes me. As a Stay-at-home mom and homeschool ‘teacher’, life with the kids 24/7 is sometimes stressful. Oh, how I also long for adult conversations so, time with Hubby is very precious for me. How did your Valentines... 

8 Feb

Here is what my instructor’s guide from Sonlight look like. This is not the actual picture though ( got this one from google), but you can imagine that it’s huge and THICK! The first time I saw this guide during our Box Day, I got a bit scared and was overwhelmed. Remember, I was a Reluctant Homeschooler? Even though my daughter was excited to started school the day after, I had to procrastinate a bit so, it could take some time for me to be ‘settled’ emotionally about the seriousness of homeschooling. That was also the time for me to browse through the IG ( instructor’s... 

16 Jan

As I go through a lot of homeschool blogs, I’m just so amazed as to how organized other moms are. They have developed their own way of organizing things and their time. Oh, I’m so far from being organized and I really wish I am. This is one reason why I chose Sonlight Core K as my curriculum for my daughter. Everything is basically there and everything has already been organized. I just need to get my Instructor’s Guide and I’m ready to teach. As for organization on other aspects of my life like home organization and stuff, I would really want to improve on that. I know... 

13 Jan

Praise God! Our problem’s solved. We were concerned of our girl’s irregular homeschool due to our son’s unpredictable sleeping pattern. As mentioned before, I can only homeschool my girl once our li’l 3 year old is asleep. He is very active and it’s an arduous task for me to keep him quiet and behaved while I do lessons with my girl. My girl on the other hand get easily distracted and loses her concentration. But now, we have found a babysitter for our boy. Yesterday was our boy’s second day to our friends’ house. I’m thankful that everything seems...