We just discovered it tonight.I seems that my 7 years old daughter is near sighted.
We were in the car on the way home when our friend was reading the street sign while we stopped at the red traffic light. We are living in Thailand so, the street sign’s are in Thai characters but below is the name in roman letters. When our daughter heard our friend saying the name of the street, she was so amazed that our friend can ‘read Thai’. But our friend pointed to her that underneath is the name in ‘English’. But our daughter insisted that underneath the bigger Thai sign is also a Thai script.
When I overheard their conversation, I was a bit alarmed as to how she thinks that the smaller sign is in Thai when it’s clearly in roman letters. But I didn’t think much about it since our window’s tinted and maybe it’s not so clear on her side. But as we went to Tesco for our dinner at the food court,the street sign conversation came up again and so we tested our girl with another signage which is a bit far from our table. We chose something that the 3 of us ( friend, Hubby and I) could clearly read. When we asked her to read it,she said she couldn’t read the word. She had to go near the sign, before she came back and told us what was in written on it.
Sigh!… I think our girl is near sighted ( or known as myopia) at age 7. But we will have to go and see the Optometrist or an Ophthalmologist to have her checked. But it is my prayer that this can be corrected and my girl will enjoy 20/20 vision for a long period of time.