I’ve just been added into our University group in Facebook. Reading through the posts of the alumni reminded me of my university life. I can’t believe that it has already been 14 years since I graduated. After my graduation, I had my life ‘planned’ out from Plan A to Plan D. My plans A and B were related with my course in the University while Plans C and D were a bit different. I remember my plan C as getting an MBA in one of the best MBA school in the Philippines just like the best MBA colorado. Yes, I was that ambitious. I knew that having an MBA could have been a great...
Today is our experiment day. This reminds to prepare all the materials needed for our experiment. This year, I’ve resolved to be more ‘hardworking’ and do all our science experiments. As you might have guessed, we haven’t done a lot of experiments last year. I was just lazy to gather all the materials and clean up after. We actually still have a lot of pending experiments to do. Maybe if we have more time this afternoon, we will also do last school year’s experiment. Doing these activities are actually very helpful to the kids since it supplements their learning and...
I know it’s quite late for my boy but I’m just glad that he’s finally loves to sit and listen to storybooks being read to him. He has been quite attentive too since he can now answer some of the follow up questions I ask him after reading the story. Honestly, I’ve been a bit ‘worried’ that my boy doesn’t love to ‘read’ like his sister. But I also understand that every child develops according to their own timeline. That’s why I haven’t really been putting a lot of pressure for him but I’m just trying to go according to his...
I’ve heard a lot of good reviews on Rosetta Stone. The other month, Sonlight had a promotion in conjuction with Rosetta stone in which they offered great discounts. I was tempted to get the Filipino language for my family. But then, I figured that there’s no way for me to insert this in our schedule. So, I decided to wait for a couple more years before teaching my kids my national language. Anyways, this language program also has other languages available. I guess, phrases like cours particuliers, cours de maths or nounou paris won’t be ‘foreign’ anymore if one takes...
We have been doing more writing and spelling activity in my daughter’s homeschool this year. She has actually been quite lazy to write last year but I think she’s learning to love writing these days. At the middle of the school year, I will be asking her to write all her thoughts in her diary. This way, she will be able to develop her writing skills.