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31 Mar

I just went to our homschool room to get something and I saw that it’s a mess. Not the kind of mess from the homeschool activities that took place in the room but more of another kind- toys, clutter and more clutter. We haven’t use that room for a few weeks now. Yes, we’ve been very busy and we were also away ( to the hospital) for almost a week. I will surely get back to that room and arrange it and make it ready for our regular classes. I guess I have to wait for the completion of my girl’s second intake of her Summer Classes. I’m even planning to send our boy everyday... 

29 Mar

This was Tricia’s graduation song for the 1st batch of her summer workshop. It’s a very meaningful song which gives tribute to the parents for everything that has been accomplished by the children. I remember being teary eyed the first time I saw this video. The title of the song is “Glowing Inside’ by Nikki Gil. Watch and be touched ..:)  

26 Mar

Now, I feel so guilty. I haven’t been homeschooling my girl for 2 weeks now. We were supposed to get back to homeschooling this week but my son has been admited in the hospital last Monday. We got discharged on Tuesday but his condition hasn’t improved for two days and decided to have him checked on Thursday again. Then, last night he got appendectomy. Yes, my 3.5 year old boy had his first surgery at a very young age. Now, he is still complaining of pain in his operated area. I know that it’s really painful since I myself had a Cesarian operation when I gave birth to him. We... 

25 Mar

This morning was Tricia’s graduation for the English Summer Workshop ( Batch 1). We’re a bit sad that Hubby and I were not able to attend the ceremony and see her presentation. They were supposed to give out roses to the parents after their song ” Thank You!” but we were not there. But we were left with no choice since we have to be here with our son. The doctors are still trying to find out whether he is positive for appendicitis and will have to do immediate surgery if needed. That’s why both HUbby and I have to be here to make decision making easier. We will have... 

20 Mar

Hi everyone! This is my first time joining this meme. As my first post, I’m posting something very healthy. Yes, Chester’s Grill veggie salad. I actually had this when I was on a ‘healthy’ diet. I don’t normally order healthy food like this. But looking at this now, makes me want to go back to my healthy eating habits. It’s not just good for my figure but teaches my li’l ones to eat healthily by being a good example. For more Yummy Sunday entries, please click the badge below.