My daughter loves her read-alouds. These are the small pocketbooks that I need to read to her( a chapter) everyday. This exposes her to great literature and a great way for us to bond too. We have just finished the book, In Grandma’s Attic by Arleta Richardson. We both laughed together as the grandma told her funny stories and she was also able to learn a few lesson’s from the li’l girl’s experiences. Most often, my li’l girl begs me to read an extra chapter and if I don’t give in, she usually ends up reading the chapter herself. Here is the list of books that...
Oh, I can’t find the video where my then 3.5 year old girl was reading from the book, Learn to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. That video was so cute! I remember I downloaded that in my Multiply or Tagged account. Yes, that was before I used YouTube. Such a pity I couldn’t retrieve that video anymore and so with the other videos I downloaded there. Tsk.tsk.tsk…
My little girl has learned to appreciate books as early as 2 years old since we’ve been reading to her since she was still a baby. But now that she has learned to read, she and her books are just inseparable. She has become a real bookworm and has loved reading her homeschool materials. When we went to Vietnam, I brought a couple of her books so that she has something to do during our ‘waiting times’. And true enough she enjoyed browsing and reading her books on the train and at the airport. Here she is, seriously reading Dr. Do Little on the Train on the way to Bangkok Our...