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23 Sep

I’ve posted earlier what my daughter wanted to be.. she had a variety of ambitions from a surfer to a preacher. It was like she wanted to be everything except to be a business person, but I think that would be okay since she won’t have to think about Employee Purchase Program Events . :) But seriously though she changed her ambition. Recently, she has been telling everyone about it and she said it ‘final’ and she won’t change.

This is what she wants to do when she grows up. ” I want to build a home for the children. Every morning before breakfast, I’m going to go around with my truck and pick up all the children in the street then bring them to my children’s home and take care of them there and tell them about Jesus. “

As a mom, I can’t help but be proud that my daughter’s ambitions are ‘noble’ and is not about her but other people. I appreciate the fact that as young as she is, she wants to help people . I don’t know whether this will take place in the future but it is my prayer that indeed as she grows up,she will be a great blessing for many.

One Response to “Her Ambition - It’s Final!”

  1. Sharing is Giving
    12:48 pm on October 1st, 2011

    wow that’s great. Nag 1 year na ako blog wala pa na accept oy… kay talagsa man lang ga blog…

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