This morning was Tricia’s graduation for the English Summer Workshop ( Batch 1). We’re a bit sad that Hubby and I were not able to attend the ceremony and see her presentation. They were supposed to give out roses to the parents after their song ” Thank You!” but we were not there. But we were left with no choice since we have to be here with our son. The doctors are still trying to find out whether he is positive for appendicitis and will have to do immediate surgery if needed. That’s why both HUbby and I have to be here to make decision making easier. We will have...
25 Mar
15 Mar
Yesterday was the start of the English Summer Workshop at the center. My girl has been excited for this workshop since she knows that it’ll be a lot of fun with songs, games and prizes. She has even helped us cut and paste some of the decorations and materials for the said event. I know it has been awhile since she has been to Thai school and this workshop will give her opportunities to befriend and socialize with children her age. There are two sessions for this and she’s attending both. I’m glad for this opportunity.