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11 Oct

The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook

I’m currently reading this book , The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook by Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore. Even if I’ve been homeschooling my daughter for a year now, but this book has somehow changed my perspective in homeschool.

As mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I’ve been a Reluctant Homeschooler Mom. I didn’t ‘choose’ to homeschool but the circumstances around ’forced’ me to do it. But as I read through this handbook, I was finally convinced, that I’m not opting for the ‘lesser’ education for my kids but the BEST. Education is not just about a good curriculum or letting the children excel in academics but it’s shaping them as a person, their character with a parent’s loving and gentle guidance. I’ve also learn that children are only ready for ‘formal’ education from age 8-12 years old. There has been a lot of references and cases discussed in the book that somehow proves that it’s never too late to teach kids how to read by age 8-12 years old. And it was just days before when I got frustrated with my 4 year old who can’t remember the letter sounds. Oppss..

After reading this book, I think I will be a more ‘relaxed’ homeschooler mom. No more pressures and too much emphasis on ‘formal’ learning but I’ll be placing more importance on building character, family bonding and lots of activities that can enhance my kids curiosity, learning and experiences.

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