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31 Mar

I just went to our homschool room to get something and I saw that it’s a mess. Not the kind of mess from the homeschool activities that took place in the room but more of another kind- toys, clutter and more clutter. We haven’t use that room for a few weeks now. Yes, we’ve been very busy and we were also away ( to the hospital) for almost a week. I will surely get back to that room and arrange it and make it ready for our regular classes. I guess I have to wait for the completion of my girl’s second intake of her Summer Classes. I’m even planning to send our boy everyday... 

19 Feb

Our kids love Friday nights. It’s our movie night. Where do we have our Movie night? In our homeschool room. This room somehow transformed itself into an AV Room on Friday nights. The reason being is that our PC is here in the room and we just download new movies in the computer to watch for the night. It’s kinda nice actually. Our homeschool room is quite small and so we are all huddled together with lights turned off and a big blanket and the loud ‘theater-like’ sound effects.  

3 Dec

Welcome to Our Homeschool Room! Take a peek at our homeschool activities ( or inactivities), my kids’ progress and my thoughts and blabber as a homeschooler Mom! If you’re a homeschooler yourself, I would like to get to know you more and perhaps learn from your homeschool journey too. If you’re a guest who just happens to find this blog, you’re very much welcome to take a peek and comment if you want.