I’ve read quite a number of blogs that give praises for iPads and its usefulness in teaching the kids, especially the preschoolers. Well, this doesn’t make me want to buy an iPad but somehow it got me curious. Oh, I’m a bit low tech and honestly, I haven’t tried out how an iPad works yet. Maybe I would have to try it out soon so, I will know what these blogger moms are talking about.
But as for me, I will have to stick with teaching my kids the old, traditional way (with a little help from the internet of course). The internet has also helped me a lot in teaching the kids. But I myself has a lot to learn and explore the possibility of the internet and technology as a whole. Just now, I’ve encountered about mobile content management , and I’m quite embarrassed to admit that I don’t even know what that meant. Oppss..
5:56 am on July 21st, 2011
grabe daghan naman ka opps diri, daghan na na approved ba… the same lang ang applyan na ko sa payu? Kay si Margie wala naman. Papano yan?
5:58 am on July 21st, 2011
grabe daghan naman ka opps diri, daghan na approved ba… the same lang ang applyan na ko sa payu? Kay si Margie wala naman. Papano yan?