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28 May

I just saw the photos posted by my friend for her daughter’s rainbow themed birthday party. I’m so impressed by the party she planned out. She also shared a few websites that helped her make the rainbow theme come alive in the party. She had printed some rainbow themed party printables and decorated her table. She really gave me a few ideas on how to throw my kids’ parties in the future. I even browsed through a lot of sites last night and excited for upcoming parties. I will also have to see the brithday plants @ proplants yo . Maybe this can help me with new ideas.  

28 May

Here is my li’l boy excitedly mixing the cookie batter. Yeah, I guess he is a chef in the making. Or maybe he just loves to pretend to be like those celebrity chefs at Asian Food Channel. I often watch those shows and surprisingly, I don’t get protests from my kids whenever I watch them. I mean, most kids would want to watch the cartoon channel over a food channel right? Anyways, it would be nice too if my kids would love to bake or cook with me when they grow up. If this happens it’ll be worth investing on those equipment from gas grill at .  

28 May

My daughter still has a lot of memories from our former house in Balulang. Many times she has expressed her sadness for not being able to stay there during our last visit to the Philippines. She said she missed her favorite part of the house which is the ‘hammock’ overlooking the river. She also has one very distinct memory of her cousins and her playing with the ‘fishball carts’ and pretending it to be a magician’s box. Those fishball carts were actually a project of church to help the underpriveleged. Those were like hot dog cart for sale but to be sold for a very... 

28 May

I have been reading quite an amount of materials as to my daughter’s options for her future education. Before, I really thought that the path after homeschool would be quite limited but then, I found out that it’s still ‘limitless’ just as if she graduates from a traditional school. Homeschool has been quite accepted now compared to the times of the ‘homeschool pioneers’ when they majority of the people don’t have any idea what it is. Now, it’s quite a common option with many parents even desiring to homeschool their kids too. As for the kids’... 

25 May

My daughter is just finishing this year’s curriculum in August, but I just can’t help myself browsing through her next curriculum from Sonlight’s site. I’m actually quite excited for this coming school year because it’s a continuation of her Core in World History. As usual, I’m just so impressed with the curriculum because it really allows the child to understand the flow of world history in such a simple manner. Because of the different materials available to her, she doesn’t have to try hard to remember the sequence of events and even the important facts,...