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27 Feb

One of my most awaited part of the day is when my preschooler takes his nap. As I’ve mentioned a lot of times, it’s only during his nap time that I can homeschool my daughter since he has tons of energy and mostly distracts our class. But lately, I’ve noticed that everytime I put him in for his nap, I also feel groogy and sleepy. So, I ended up taking a nap with him. Yes, I can’t forgive myself for being a ‘bad’ homeschool teacher. But thankfully, my daughter still did some homeschool work while I was napping. I was just wasn’t there to supervise. Next... 

27 Feb

My daughter had very strange dreams lately. A couple of times she woke up and was just crying while taking her breakfast. When I asked her what’s wrong, she related to me a very bad dream. Her dream was about someone died. I had to reassure her that dreams are just dreams and unreal. It doesn’t mean that when someone dreams about somebody dying then, it would be time to be planning a funeral . I also told her that when she dreams about something, then it’s an opportunity for her to pray for that someone. Poor little thing, she has really been so affected by her dream. But she’s... 

3 Feb

I just bought an Usborne book, The Drawing Pack by Fiona Watt for 6$ with free delivery from Book Depository. You see, Book Depository is having a 24 hour sale now and I got this book last night. I'm excited with this book because I'm sure my daughter will love this since it's basic art and it's internet linked too. Last night, I took a peak at the internet links and they're very informative. Once we get hold of this book, we'll make this a part of our curriculum as 'art'. It'll be good practice for me too since it's been awhile since I've done some art work. All the best to the artist wannabe..... 

3 Feb

Our boy loves to build .. and tear things apart as well. I guess he does that out of curiousity of how things are made. A few times he broke his toy , curiously ‘studied’ the parts and confidently told me, ‘Don’t worry, Amma! I’m going to fix it!”. But how to fix it when it’s all in pieces?! Ahhhhh!!.. hehehe! But then, when it comes to ‘designing’ his city, houses, building and robots with his blocks, he’s quite good with it. I won’t be surprise that as he grows older he will be Mr. Handy Man with all the knowledge on band clamps,...