Mountain Born by Elizabeth Yates
It’s been awhile that I haven’t done read-alouds with my daughter. I think I got too complacent with this knowing that she can already read those read alouds on her own. Last night, I decided to get back to our nightly routine in which I read aloud a chapter or two of her book before she goes to sleep. When I asked her which of her read aloud books she hasn’t read yet, I was surprised to find out that she read most of it already. LOL!
One of the very few books she hasn’t finished reading is , Mountain Born. When I flipped through the book, it was only then I understood why she hasn’t finished it yet. The book was written in such a way that’s more challenging for junior readers to read. There are many difficult words and the print is a bit small.
I am glad that we’re back to our read aloud sessions, it’s really a great way to bond with my daughter and with the study guide that I have, she gets to learn new vocabularies each chapter.