Since my daughter is more of an independent learner now. It’s easier for me to homeschool her. Most of the time, I just assign her a few readings on her History and Science subjects and then I just spend time of review with her to check on her understanding of the subject.
For a long time, I’ve been using naration as her review and a few times I let her have some subjective quizzes. But recently, I’ve been a bit more creative and asked her to draw, create comic strips and even fiction stories ( for history subjects) based on her readings. She really enjoy it so much that every week she ask for this kind of review. It’s fun for her and as I see it, it still reinforces her learning on the subject.
Currently, her history topic is about Knights and Castles and she’s doing a chapter storybook about ‘Alfred’. She still in Chapter which introduces Alfred as a pageboy and soon to be Knight. We’ll see how her story goes..
I’m quite amused with this ‘review’ strategy because I’m actually like hitting 2 birds at the same. I’m not just touching on history but language arts ( creative writing) too!