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28 Jul

Wow! We’ve finally finished this year’s homeschool curriculum.. well, almost.. :) I just need to iron a few things out like letting my daughter finish her Math’s workbook, writing, projects and Memory verses. Opps.. writing them down now makes me realize that it does seem we still have a lot of things to catch up.

As for her writing, she only has a few pages to write. Her maths is actually not much but did I mention that my daughter kinda dislike math? It must run in the blood huh? :) ) As for her memory verses, she just needs to master a few more verses and once she’s ready we will let her recite everything in YouTube. That will serve as her final presentation. And lastly for her Science projects ( my least favorite since it needs a lot of preparation and cleaning up), I will have to buy a few things and gather the materials.

Once we’re done with this, we will be ready for ‘Grade 1′. :)

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