Today my kids and Hubby went on a nature walk at the lake in the University. Since it was still 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the sun was so hot and the walk around the lake is very long, I decided to sit back on the bench and watch them. It took them around 45 minutes to walk around the perimeter of the lake while I busied myself taking photos. When they arrived, they all came with excitement as they showed the wild flowers and other stuff that they picked. It seemed they also climbed a tree and saw a snake! When we came back home, they immediately pasted their ‘find’ on their nature notebook ( without me telling them to). Good students!
I think we should make this nature walk by the lake ( or any other place for that matter) a regular thing. Next time, we’ll make sure to go when the sun is almost setting ( so it won’t be so hot) and that I have the right shoes so I can go nature walking with them.