Maybe I’m just experiencing some kind of burn out in Homeschool. But at this point in time, I’m not so sure anymore if homeschool is working well with me and my kids. It seems that they’ve lost their interest and therefore their discipline in homeschool. If before, they could listen well and do their work with all their hearts. It seems that everything they do seems half heartedly done. I have to tell them countless of times to do this and that before they do their work. Many times my patience wears out and end up nagging and scolding them.. And I don’t like that.. homeschool is supposed to be fun. I don’t know why it doesn’t seem fun anymore as it used to be.
I’m actually thinking now of sending them to a homeschool center nearby. It’ll be a strain on our budget but I think it’s for everyone’s good - for my kids to take their education seriously and for me not to suffer from high blood pressure!
Oh, I don’t know.. maybe I just need a serious break… to re evaluate what I’m doing and why I’m doing all this… praying that whatever is the result it will be for the best!