Yes, we’ve been on a holiday before Christmas even started but I could say that our real holiday starts today. We’ve just been so busy with a lot of activities and guests the past days that it wasn’t a rest for us.So, today since it’s the start of our ‘real’ holiday, we got the luxury to wake up so late and maybe spend the day cleaning our house, washing clothes and then take a rest.
Our li’l girl saved some money for her to buy something for herself for Christmas. At first she was wanting to have a Furby. She did a little chart on how much money she has saved up and how much money she would need to buy one. Everytime we go to the mall, she would look at the Furby section and ‘select’ her own. But I’ve always been suggesting to her to really think twice because buying a Furby is just so expensive for us. As a mom, I was already making some comparison and thought that one Furby can already pay half a month’s groceries! Anyways, I told my daughter...
Today our house guests went for Thai massage with Hubby so I was left with the 4 children. What do to when four active kids are with you the whole afternoon? We’ll that calls for a movie! So, I prepared the LCD and put on Frozen.. after turning it on an lying down on the couch ( to relax myself) , only then I found out they put on the christmas hats. They look so cute huddled together with the hats and thus I took this photo.
After I wrote my recent post, on Homeschool Burn Out, I decided to give myself and the kids a holiday. It’s the Christmas season anyways, and never mind if I didn’t plan a long break this month, but it seems that it’s needed and it’s for everyone’s good. So during this break, we really didn’t have any planned activities since we have house guests and other events in between. So kids are just playing, drawing, reading and sometimes making music on their own. As of now they don’t need vic firth m212 since they just make noise.. err, on their ‘homemade’...
Maybe I’m just experiencing some kind of burn out in Homeschool. But at this point in time, I’m not so sure anymore if homeschool is working well with me and my kids. It seems that they’ve lost their interest and therefore their discipline in homeschool. If before, they could listen well and do their work with all their hearts. It seems that everything they do seems half heartedly done. I have to tell them countless of times to do this and that before they do their work. Many times my patience wears out and end up nagging and scolding them.. And I don’t like that.. homeschool...